Tuesday, November 10, 2009

How much do you love me

Always wanted to start a consumer advocate gear review site.
Need to get some new gear to review.

Three things are on the wish list now:
1. New Ski Helmet

This helmet is made to go with two brand new sets of goggles that I got last year at the end of the season. It has vents that open and close with the flip of a switch which really helps. It also hooks up to a speaker system that will allow me to listen to an mp3 player and my cell phone simultaneously and hands free. It works by muting the music whenever someone calls on your phone or walkie talkie. True my current K2 helmet does this now but diesel ate the microphone so nobody can here me. making the walkie talkie part useless. A piece of the plastic in back has been broken since my first crash a couple of years ago and continues to dig into the back of my skull and that is not good.

Smith Variant Brim can be found here:
I take a medium and like the white one.
The $160 price tag is super steep and I would never spend that much on a helmet, but you are looking for gift ideas and I will end up buying that helmet in the spring when it is half as much and I've had a concussion.

This speaker system compliments it nicely and is how I can talk to you on the phone while I am skiing and listening to music. Smith Skullcandy Twin-Tip LINK Audio Kit is a good deal and I would purchase it at the full price of $29.00
Seen Here:

Should have let family by the ski movies because they are cheap and make great gifts for getting stoked on skiing.
Bought all of the new ones except this one from matchstick productions
Found Here:

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